The javascript spreadsheet quick reference
Method | Description |
getData: Get the full or partial table data @Param boolan onlyHighlighedCells - Get only highlighted cells |
$('#my').jexcel('getData', false); |
setData: Update the table data @Param json newData - New json data, null will reload what is in memory. @Param boolean ignoreSpare - ignore configuration of minimal spareColumn/spareRows |
$('#my').jexcel('setData', [json], false); |
insertColumn: add a new column @Param integer numberOfColumns - Number of columns should be added @Param string headerTitle - Header title |
$('#my').jexcel('insertColumn', 1, { header:'Title' }); |
deleteColumn: remove column by number @Param integer columnNumber - Which column should be excluded starting on zero |
$('#my').jexcel('deleteColumn', 1); |
insertRow: add a new row @Param integer numberOfRows - Number of rows should be added |
$('#my').jexcel('insertRow', 1); |
deleteRow: remove row by number @Param integer rowNumber - Which row should be excluded starting on zero |
$('#my').jexcel('deleteRow', 1); |
getHeader: get the current header by column number @Param integer columnNumber - Column number starting on zero |
$('#my').jexcel('getHeader', 2); |
setHeader: change header by column @Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero @Param string columnTitle - New header title |
$('#my').jexcel('setHeader', 1, 'Title'); |
getWidth: get the current column width @Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero |
$('#my').jexcel('getWidth', 2); |
setWidth: change column width @Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero @Param string newColumnWidth - New column width |
$('#my').jexcel('setWidth', 1, 100); |
orderBy: will reorder a column asc or desc @Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero @Param smallint sortType - Zero will toggle current option, one for desc, two for asc |
$('#my').jexcel('orderBy', 2); |
getValue: get current cell value @Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object. |
$('#my').jexcel('getValue', 'A1'); |
setValue: change the cell value @Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object. @Param string Value - new value for the cell |
$('#my').jexcel('setValue', 'A1'); |
updateSelection: select cells @Param object startCell - cell object @Param object endCell - cell object @Param boolean ignoreEvents - ignore onselection event |
$('#my').jexcel('updateSelection', [cell], [cell], true); |
download: get the current data as a CSV file. @Param none |
$('#my').jexcel('download'); |
getConfig: get the current value of one configuration by key @Param string configuration key |
$('#my').jexcel('getConfig', 'allowInsertColumn'); |
setConfig: set the value of one configuration by key @Param string configuration key @Param mixed configuration value |
$('#my').jexcel('setConfig', 'allowInsertColumn', true); |
download: get the current data as a CSV file. @Param none |
$('#my').jexcel('download'); |
getStyle: get table or cell style @Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table. |
$('#my').jexcel('getStyle', 'A1'); |
setStyle: set cell(s) CSS style @Param mixed - json with whole table style information or just one cell identification. Ex. A1. @Param k [optional]- CSS key @Param v [optional]- CSS value |
$('#my').jexcel('setSyle', [ { A1:'background-color:red' }, { B1: 'color:red'} ]); |
getComments: get cell comments @Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table. |
$('#my').jexcel('getComments', 'A1'); |
setComments: set cell comments @Param cell - cell identification @Param text - comments |
$('#my').jexcel('setComments', 'A1', 'My cell comments!'); |
getMeta: get the table or cell meta information @Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table. |
$('#my').jexcel('getMeta', 'A1'); |
setMeta: set the table or cell meta information @Param mixed - json with whole table meta information. |
$('#my').jexcel('setMeta', [ A1: { info1:'test' }, { B1: { info2:'test2', info3:'test3'} } ]); |
Event | description |
onload | This method is called when the method setData |
onbeforechange | Before a column value is changed. |
onchange | After a column value is changed. |
onafterchange | After all change events is performed. |
oninsertrow | After a new row is inserted. |
ondeleterow | After a row is excluded. |
oninsertcolumn | After a new column is inserted. |
ondeletecolumn | After a column is excluded. |
onselection | On the selection is changed. |
onsort | After a colum is sorted. |
onresize | After a colum is resized. |
onmoverow | After a row is moved to a new position. |
onfocus | On table focus |
onblur | On table blur |
Example on handling events on your javascript spreadsheet
Initialization parameters
Parameter | description |
columns | Column type, dropdown options, text wrapping,marking, etc. |
colHeaders | Column header titles |
colWidths | Column widths: width in px. |
colAlignments | Column alignments: left, right, center. |
colHeaderClasses | Column custom CSS classes |
defaultColWidth | Default width for a new column |
minSpareRows | Minimum number of spare rows |
minSpareCols | Minimum number of spare cols |
minDimensions | Minimum table dimensions: [cols,rows] |
contextMenu | Context menu content: function() { return customMenu } |
columnSorting | Allow column sorting: bool |
columnResize | Allow column resizing: bool |
rowDrag | Allow row dragging: bool |
editable | Allow table edition: bool |
allowInsertRow | Allow insert a new row: bool |
allowManualInsertRow | Allow user to insert a new row: bool |
allowInsertColumn | Allow insert a new column: bool |
allowManualInsertColumn | Allow user to create a new column: bool |
allowDeleteRow | Allow delete a row: bool |
allowDeleteColumn | Allow delete a column: bool |
wordWrap | Global text wrapping: bool |
csvFileName | CSV default file name: string |
selectionCopy | Allow selection copy: bool |
tableOverflow | Allow table overflow: bool |
tableHeight | Force the max height of the table |
tableWidth | Force the max width of the table |
allowComments | Allow comments over the cells |
toolbar | Add custom toolbars |