Programmatically changes available in the plugin

Using Jspreadsheet will have a comprehensive range of native commands to interact with the users of your javascript spreadsheet.

General Methods

getData: get the full or partial table data in json
@Param boolan onlyHighlighedCells - Get only highlighted cells
$('#my').jexcel('getData', false);
getRowData: get the data from the a row
@Param integer rowNumber - Row number starting from zero.
$('#my').jexcel('getRowData', 1);
getColumnData: get the data from the a column
@Param integer columnNumber - Column number starting from zero.
$('#my').jexcel('getColumnData', 2);
setData: Update the table data
@Param json newData - New data, null will reload what is in memory.
@Param boolean ignoreSpare - Ignore configuration of min spare column and rows.
$('#my').jexcel('setData', [data], false);
insertColumn: add a new column
@Param mixed [array or integer] - Integer as the number of columns to be added. Or array to define the data you would like to insert.
@param json - Properties of the new columns, null to set default.
@Param integer columnNumber - Column reference, null to add the new column after the last column.
$('#my').jexcel('insertColumn', 1, null, 3);
deleteColumn: remove column by number
@Param integer columnNumber - Which column should be excluded starting on zero
@Param integer numOfColumns - How many columns should be deleted
$('#my').jexcel('deleteColumn', 1);
insertRow: add a new row
@Param mixed - Array with the new data or integer with the number of rows should be added @Param rowNumber - Reference where to add the new row.
$('#my').jexcel('insertRow', 1);
deleteRow: remove row by number
@Param integer rowNumber - Which row should be excluded starting on zero
@Param integer numberOfRows - How many rows should be excluded
$('#my').jexcel('deleteRow', 1);
getHeader: get the current header by column number
@Param integer columnNumber - Column number starting on zero
$('#my').jexcel('getHeader', 2);
setHeader: change header by column
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param string columnTitle - New header title
$('#my').jexcel('setHeader', 1, 'Title');
getWidth: get the current column width
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
$('#my').jexcel('getWidth', 2);
setWidth: change column width
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param string newColumnWidth - New column width
$('#my').jexcel('setWidth', 1, 100);
orderBy: will reorder a column asc or desc
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param smallint sortType - Zero will toggle current option, one for desc, two for asc
$('#my').jexcel('orderBy', 2);
getValue: get current cell value
@Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object.
$('#my').jexcel('getValue', 'A1');
setValue: change the cell value
@Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object.
@Param string Value - new value for the cell
$('#my').jexcel('setValue', 'A1');
updateSelection: select cells
@Param object startCell - cell object
@Param object endCell - cell object
$('#my').jexcel('updateSelection', [cell], [cell]);
download: get the current data as a CSV file.
@Param none
destroy: remove the table and all references and events attached.
@Param none
getCell: get the cell object based on a string
@Param styring cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object.
$('#my').jexcel('getCell', 'B1');
getSelectedCells: get all selected cells
@Param none
undo: undo an action
@Param none
redo: redo an action
@Param none
moveRow: move an row to another position
@Param from - from position y0
@Param to - to position y1
$('#my').jexcel('moveRow', 1, 2);
getStyle: get table or cell style
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
$('#my').jexcel('getStyle', 'A1');
setStyle: set cell(s) CSS style
@Param mixed - json with whole table style information or just one cell identification. Ex. A1.
@param k [optional]- CSS key
@param v [optional]- CSS value
$('#my').jexcel('setSyle', [ { A1:'background-color:red' }, { B1: 'color:red'} ]);
getComments: get cell comments
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
$('#my').jexcel('getComments', 'A1');
setComments: set cell comments
@Param cell - cell identification
@Param text - comments
$('#my').jexcel('setComments', 'A1', 'My cell comments!');
getMeta: get the table or cell meta information
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
$('#my').jexcel('getMeta', 'A1');
setMeta: set the table or cell meta information
@Param mixed - json with whole table meta information.
$('#my').jexcel('setMeta', [ A1: { info1:'test' }, { B1: { info2:'test2', info3:'test3'} } ]);