
The most recent sponsors

FDL - Fonds de Dotation du Libre - Libre Endowment Fund
FDL - Libre Endowment Fund - is a French endowment fund which aims to support the developers and publishers of Free and Open Source software projects. FDL can receive tax-deductible donations from which it can fund specific feature developments for software that is deemed to be of general interest. FDL operates in synergy with its sister non-profit organisation named "AWL" (Action pour un Web Libre). FDL sponsors long-term projects whereas AWL sponsors short-term projects. FDL and AWL maintain a repository of Free and Open Source software publishers: https://afs.one. More information on FDL and AWL can be found on the www.fdl-lef.org.
Hodel Technology Ltd
ETH Scientific IT Services
Initiative Tree
Market Control