
Date operations

This section explains how to handle dates in Jspreadsheet, focusing on the calendar input type and various date operations. You can work with dates by applying a mask to text input fields or using the dedicated calendar type.

Key Differences:

  • Text type with date mask: This option supports date-related calculations, copy-paste functionality, and fill-handle operations similar to Excel. It allows dates to be treated as numerical values, making it ideal for performing operations.
  • Calendar Type: This option provides a calendar picker for selecting dates but stores the value as a string. It’s more focused on user-friendly input rather than complex date calculations.

This section covers the following topics:

  • Configuring the calendar picker: How to customize the calendar editor for user-friendly date selection.
  • Validating date values: Set rules to ensure date inputs are valid based on the values in other columns.
  • Performing date calculations: Use formulas to calculate date differences, add days, or perform other date-related operations.
  • Formatting dates with new tokens: Learn how to use tokens to format dates in different styles.
  • Localization of date strings: Translate date formats and related strings to match different locales and languages.


Calendar editor

The JavaScript calendar from is a highly flexible and responsive plugin that offers numerous configurations to adapt to various application needs. For more information, refer to its documentation.

Parameter Description
type: default | year-month-picker Render type. Default: default
validRange: [String, String] Disables the dates out of the defined range. [Initial date, Final date]
startingDay: Number The day of the week the calendar starts on (0 for Sunday - 6 for Saturday). Default: 0 (Sunday)
format: String Date format. Default: YYYY-MM-DD
readonly: Boolean Calendar input is readonly. Default: false
today: Boolean Select today's date automatically when no date value is defined. Default: true
time: Boolean Show hour and minute dropdown. Default: false
resetButton: Boolean Enabled reset button. Default: true
placeholder: String Default place holder for the calendar input.
fullscreen: Boolean Open in fullscreen mode.


Cells with Date Format

The example below demonstrates applying a date format to the results of a formula.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

// Create worksheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [4,4],
        data: [
            [ '=NOW()' ]
        cells: {
            A1: { format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' },
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();
    // Data
    const data = [
        [ '=NOW()', ]
    // Data grid cell definitions
    const cells = {
        A1: { format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' },
    // Render data grid component
    return (
        <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet}>
            <Worksheet data={data} cells={cells} minDimensions={[4,4]} />
    <Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet">
        <Worksheet :data="data" :cells="cells" :minDimensions="[4,4]" />

import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet-ce/vue";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        // Data
        const data = [
            [ '=NOW()' ]
        // Data grid cell definitions
        const cells = {
            A1: { format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' },

        return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet-ce";

import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

// Create component
    standalone: true,
    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>`,
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                minDimensions: [4,4],
                data: [
                    [ '=NOW()' ]
                cells: {
                    A1: { format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' },

Column Calendar Customization

In the example below, we configure the calendar column type as a year-month picker only.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

// Create a new spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [4,4],
        data: [
            [ '2021-01-01', '', '', '' ]
        columns: [  
            { type: 'calendar', options: { type: 'year-month-picker', format: 'Mon/YYYY' } },
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();
    // Data
    const data = [
        [ '2021-01-01', '', '', '' ]
    // Data grid cell definitions
    const columns = [
        { type: 'calendar', options: { type: 'year-month-picker', format: 'Mon/YYYY' } },
    // Render data grid component
    return (
        <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet}>
            <Worksheet data={data} columns={columns} minDimensions={[4,4]} />
  <Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet">
      <Worksheet :data="data" :columns="columns" :minDimensions="[4,4]" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet-ce/vue";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/spreadsheet.css";

// Data
const data = ref([
  [ '2021-01-01', '', '', '' ]

// Data grid cell definitions
const columns = ref([
  { type: 'calendar', options: { type: 'year-month-picker', format: 'Mon/YYYY' } },

// Optional: spreadsheet ref to match template
const spreadsheet = ref(null);
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet-ce";

import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

// Create component
    standalone: true,
    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>`,
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                minDimensions: [4,4],
                data: [
                    [ '2021-01-01', '', '', '' ]
                columns: [
                    { type: 'calendar', options: { type: 'year-month-picker', format: 'Mon/YYYY' } },

Calendar Date Validations

In the example below, filterOptions is used to overwrite the column configuration validRange just before the edit. The rule is that the last column cannot have a date after the previous column date. Additionally, the onbeforechange event behavior blocks the user from pasting or programmatically breaking this rule.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

let filterOptions = function(worksheet, cell, x, y, value, config) {
    // Get the value of the previous column
    let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
    // Set a valid range to avoid past dates to be selected
    config.options.validRange = [ previousColumnValue, null ];
    // Customized options
    return config;

// Create a new spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        data: [
            ['Roger Taylor', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-01' ],
            ['Bob Shiran', '2019-04-03', '2019-05-03'],
            ['Daniel P.', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03'],
            ['Karen Roberts', '2018-12-03', '2019-01-03'],
        columns: [
                options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
                options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
                filterOptions: filterOptions,
        worksheetName: 'Rules',
    onbeforechange: function(worksheet, cell, x, y, value) {
        // Valid only for second column
        if (x == 2 && value) {
            // Get the value of the previous column
            let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
            if (previousColumnValue > value) {
       = '1px solid red';
                // Return nothing
                return '';
            } else {
       = '';
        return value;
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet-ce/react";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

// Filter option will change the column settings just before the edition
const filterOptions = (worksheet, cell, x, y, value, config) => {
    // Get the value of the previous column
    let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
    // Set a valid range to avoid past dates to be selected
    config.options.validRange = [ previousColumnValue, null ];
    // Customized options
    return config;

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();
    // Data
    const data = [
        ['Roger Taylor', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-01' ],
        ['Bob Shiran', '2019-04-03', '2019-05-03'],
        ['Daniel P.', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03'],
        ['Karen Roberts', '2018-12-03', '2019-01-03'],
    // Data grid cell definitions
    const columns = [
            options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
            options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
            filterOptions: filterOptions,
    // Event
    const onbeforechange = (worksheet, cell, x, y, value) => {
        // Valid only for second column
        if (x == 2 && value) {
            // Get the value of the previous column
            let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
            if (previousColumnValue > value) {
       = '1px solid red';
                // Return nothing
                return '';
            } else {
       = '';
        return value;

    // Render data grid component
    return (
        <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet} onbeforechange={onbeforechange}>
            <Worksheet worksheetName={"Rules"} data={data} columns={columns} minDimensions={[4,4]} />
        :min-dimensions="[4, 4]"
    <div ref="log"></div>
    <button @click="setMerge('A3', 2, 3)">setMerge('A3', 2, 3)</button>
    <button @click="removeMerge('A3')">removeMerge('A3')</button>
    <button @click="getMergedCells">Get all merged cells</button>
    <button @click="destroyAllMergedCells">Destroy all merged</button>

import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from '@jspreadsheet-ce/vue';
import 'jsuites/dist/jsuites.css';
import 'jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet-ce.css';

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  setup() {
    const spreadsheet = ref(null);
    const log = ref(null);

    const data = ref([
      ['Roger Taylor', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-01'],
      ['Bob Shiran', '2019-04-03', '2019-05-03'],
      ['Daniel P.', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03'],
      ['Karen Roberts', '2018-12-03', '2019-01-03'],

    const columns = ref([
        type: 'text',
        title: 'Name',
        width: '300px',
        type: 'calendar',
        title: 'From',
        options: { format: 'DD/MM/YYYY' },
        width: '150px',
        type: 'calendar',
        title: 'To',
        options: { format: 'DD/MM/YYYY' },
        filterOptions: (worksheet, cell, x, y, value, config) => {
          let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
          config.options.validRange = [previousColumnValue, null];
          return config;
        width: '150px',

    const setMerge = (cell, rows, cols) => {
      spreadsheet.value[0].setMerge(cell, rows, cols);

    const removeMerge = (cell) => {

    const getMergedCells = () => {
      log.value.innerText = JSON.stringify(spreadsheet.value[0].getMerge());

    const destroyAllMergedCells = () => {

    const onBeforeChange = (worksheet, cell, x, y, value) => {
      if (x === 2 && value) {
        let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
        if (previousColumnValue > value) {
 = '1px solid red';
          return '';
        } else {
 = '';
      return value;

    return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet-ce";

import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

// Filter the options in real time before opening the editor
const filterOptions = function(worksheet, cell, x, y, value, config) {
    // Get the value of the previous column
    let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
    // Set a valid range to avoid past dates to be selected
    config.options.validRange = [ previousColumnValue, null ];
    // Customized options
    return config;

// Create component
    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>`;
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                data: [
                    ['Roger Taylor', '2019-01-01', '2019-03-01' ],
                    ['Bob Shiran', '2019-04-03', '2019-05-03'],
                    ['Daniel P.', '2018-12-03', '2018-12-03'],
                    ['Karen Roberts', '2018-12-03', '2019-01-03'],
                columns: [
                        options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
                        options: { format:'DD/MM/YYYY' },
                        filterOptions: filterOptions,
                worksheetName: 'Rules',
            onbeforechange: function(worksheet, cell, x, y, value) {
                // Valid only for second column
                if (x == 2 && value) {
                    // Get the value of the previous column
                    let previousColumnValue = worksheet.getValueFromCoords(x - 1, y);
                    if (previousColumnValue > value) {
               = '1px solid red';
                        // Return nothing
                        return '';
                    } else {
               = '';
                return value;

International Calendar Configurations

To translate the text in the calendar plugin, you can include the setDictionary method as below.

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

//The dictionary can be defined as below
let dictionary = {
    // Other entries (...)
    // Calendar specific entries
    'Jan': 'Jan',
    'Feb': 'Fev',
    'Mar': 'Mar',
    'Apr': 'Abr',
    'May': 'Mai',
    'Jun': 'Jun',
    'Jul': 'Jul',
    'Aug': 'Ago',
    'Sep': 'Set',
    'Oct': 'Out',
    'Nov': 'Nov',
    'Dec': 'Dez',
    'January': 'Janeiro',
    'February': 'Fevereiro',
    'March': 'Março',
    'April': 'Abril',
    'May': 'Maio',
    'June': 'Junho',
    'July': 'Julho',
    'August': 'Agosto',
    'September': 'Setembro',
    'October': 'Outubro',
    'November': 'Novembro',
    'December': 'Dezembro',
    'Sunday': 'Domingo',
    'Monday': 'Segunda',
    'Tuesday': 'Terca',
    'Wednesday': 'Quarta',
    'Thursday': 'Quinta',
    'Friday': 'Sexta',
    'Saturday': 'Sabado',
    'Done': 'Feito',
    'Reset': 'Apagar',
    'Update': 'Atualizar',

// Send dictionary to the JSS scope

// Create worksheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [4,4],
        columns: [  
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet, jspreadsheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

// Send dictionary to the JSS scope
    // Other entries (...)
    // Calendar specific entries
    'Jan': 'Jan',
    'Feb': 'Fev',
    'Mar': 'Mar',
    'Apr': 'Abr',
    'May': 'Mai',
    'Jun': 'Jun',
    'Jul': 'Jul',
    'Aug': 'Ago',
    'Sep': 'Set',
    'Oct': 'Out',
    'Nov': 'Nov',
    'Dec': 'Dez',
    'January': 'Janeiro',
    'February': 'Fevereiro',
    'March': 'Março',
    'April': 'Abril',
    'May': 'Maio',
    'June': 'Junho',
    'July': 'Julho',
    'August': 'Agosto',
    'September': 'Setembro',
    'October': 'Outubro',
    'November': 'Novembro',
    'December': 'Dezembro',
    'Sunday': 'Domingo',
    'Monday': 'Segunda',
    'Tuesday': 'Terca',
    'Wednesday': 'Quarta',
    'Thursday': 'Quinta',
    'Friday': 'Sexta',
    'Saturday': 'Sabado',
    'Done': 'Feito',
    'Reset': 'Apagar',
    'Update': 'Atualizar',

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();
    // Data
    const data = [
        { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
        { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
        { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
        { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },

    // Render data grid component
    return (
        <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet}>
            <Worksheet data={data} minDimensions={[4,4]} />
    <Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet">
        <Worksheet :data="data" />

import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet, jspreadsheet } from "@jspreadsheet-ce/vue";
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css";
import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css";

// Send dictionary to the JSS scope
    // Other entries (...)
    // Calendar specific entries
    'Jan': 'Jan',
    'Feb': 'Fev',
    'Mar': 'Mar',
    'Apr': 'Abr',
    'May': 'Mai',
    'Jun': 'Jun',
    'Jul': 'Jul',
    'Aug': 'Ago',
    'Sep': 'Set',
    'Oct': 'Out',
    'Nov': 'Nov',
    'Dec': 'Dez',
    'January': 'Janeiro',
    'February': 'Fevereiro',
    'March': 'Março',
    'April': 'Abril',
    'May': 'Maio',
    'June': 'Junho',
    'July': 'Julho',
    'August': 'Agosto',
    'September': 'Setembro',
    'October': 'Outubro',
    'November': 'Novembro',
    'December': 'Dezembro',
    'Sunday': 'Domingo',
    'Monday': 'Segunda',
    'Tuesday': 'Terca',
    'Wednesday': 'Quarta',
    'Thursday': 'Quinta',
    'Friday': 'Sexta',
    'Saturday': 'Sabado',
    'Done': 'Feito',
    'Reset': 'Apagar',
    'Update': 'Atualizar',

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        // Data
        const data = [
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
            { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },

        return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet-ce";

import "jspreadsheet-ce/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

//The dictionary can be defined as below
const dictionary = {
    // Other entries (...)
    // Calendar specific entries
    'Jan': 'Jan',
    'Feb': 'Fev',
    'Mar': 'Mar',
    'Apr': 'Abr',
    'May': 'Mai',
    'Jun': 'Jun',
    'Jul': 'Jul',
    'Aug': 'Ago',
    'Sep': 'Set',
    'Oct': 'Out',
    'Nov': 'Nov',
    'Dec': 'Dez',
    'January': 'Janeiro',
    'February': 'Fevereiro',
    'March': 'Março',
    'April': 'Abril',
    'May': 'Maio',
    'June': 'Junho',
    'July': 'Julho',
    'August': 'Agosto',
    'September': 'Setembro',
    'October': 'Outubro',
    'November': 'Novembro',
    'December': 'Dezembro',
    'Sunday': 'Domingo',
    'Monday': 'Segunda',
    'Tuesday': 'Terca',
    'Wednesday': 'Quarta',
    'Thursday': 'Quinta',
    'Friday': 'Sexta',
    'Saturday': 'Sabado',
    'Done': 'Feito',
    'Reset': 'Apagar',
    'Update': 'Atualizar',

// Send dictionary to the JSS scope

// Create component
    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>`;
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                minDimensions: [4,4],
                columns: [
                    { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
                    { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
                    { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },
                    { type: 'calendar', options: { startingDay: 1 } },

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