
Jspreadsheet Upgrade from v4 to v5


The latest update to Jspreadsheet CE introduces significant enhancements, simplifying customization and improving compatibility across all distributions. Key updates include structural refinements, increased extensibility, and standardized functionality. Upgrading from version 4 to version 5 includes breaking changes due to updates in properties, methods, and events. This document outlines the critical adjustments required to transition your existing code to the new version.

Be aware that upgrading from version 4 to version 5 introduces breaking changes resulting from updates to properties, methods, and events.

Spreadsheet vs. Worksheets

Jspreadsheet CE introduces two distinct levels: the spreadsheet level and the worksheet level. This separation avoids redundancy by centralizing elements that should not be duplicated across each worksheet, such as toolbars or event declarations.

Version 4

In version 4, all properties were defined within a single object.

jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    toolbar: true,
    minDimensions: [4,4],
    onchange: function() {
        // something

Version 5

In version 5, the worksheets attribute allows you to declare multiple worksheets, each with specific properties, while maintaining centralized common configurations at the spreadsheet level.

// Create your spreadsheets
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    toolbar: true,
    worksheets: [
            minDimensions: [4,4],
        // More worksheets
    onchange: function() {
        // something


When creating a new spreadsheet, Jspreadsheet returns an array of worksheet instances. Each worksheet object includes a parent property, allowing access to spreadsheet-level features.

// Create your spreadsheets
let worksheets = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [
            minDimensions: [4,4],

// Get the spreadsheet data
// Show toolbar


From version 5, translations can be managed globally using jspreadsheet.setDictionary. This method accepts an object where the keys are the original English texts and the values are their translations.

Version 4

In version 4, translations were defined directly within the spreadsheet instance:

jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    minDimensions: [4,4],
        noRecordsFound: 'Nenhum registro encontrado',
        show: 'Show',
        // many other translations

Version 5

In version 5, you define translations globally using setDictionary, making it easier to manage and apply them across all instances:

// Translate all application
    'No records found': 'Nenhum registro encontrado',
    'Show': 'Exibir',

// Create your spreadsheets
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [4,4],

Plugin and Editor Support

Jspreadsheet CE now includes plugin support, offering developers enhanced flexibility and the ability to extend functionality. Editors align more closely with the Pro version, ensuring more across the different distributions.

// Create your spreadsheets
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [4,4],
        columns: [{ type: myEditor }], // Custom editors
    plugins: { myPlugin }, // Plugin declaration

Library Level

Library Level Property Updates

Status Property Description
New destroyAll Destroys all spreadsheets across all namespaces.
New getWorksheetInstanceByName Retrieves a worksheet by its name and namespace. Can also return a namespace depending on the first argument.
New setDictionary Adds a helper for defining new translations.
Removed tabs Removed as it is no longer necessary since CE always creates a spreadsheet by default.
Removed createTabs Removed as it is no longer necessary since CE now always creates a spreadsheet by default.
Removed getColumnName Removed because this functionality already exists in the helpers.


Status Method Description
New getCoordsFromRange Retrieves coordinates from a specified range.
Updated createFromTable Now functions like the previous library-level method with the same name.
Updated getColumnNameFromCoords Renamed to getCellNameFromCoords.
Updated getCoordsFromColumnName Renamed to getCoordsFromCellName.
Removed injectArray Removed as it was not documented.

Spreadsheet Level


Status Property Description
New parseHTML Similar functionality to the previous stripHTML property.
New debugFormulas Enables formula debugging. Debugging was previously always enabled by default but is now disabled.
New fullscreen Defines a spreadsheet as fullscreen.


Status Method Description
New hideToolbar Hides the toolbar.
New showToolbar Displays the toolbar using the current settings.


All events are now defined at the spreadsheet level. Except for the onload, onbeforesave, and onsave events, all other events now receive the worksheet instance as their first argument. Additional changes to method arguments have also been introduced.

Status Event Description
New onbeforeformula Intercepts formulas before they are calculated.
New onbeforeselection Intercepts cell selection and cancels it if false is returned.
New oncreatecell Triggered when a cell is created.
New oncreateworksheet Triggered when a worksheet is created.
New ondeleteworksheet Triggered when a worksheet is deleted.
Updated onafterchanges All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onbeforedeletecolumn All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onbeforedeleterow All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onbeforeinsertcolumn All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onbeforeinsertrow All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onbeforepaste The second argument is a 2D array of objects with a "value" property representing the values to be pasted.
Updated onbeforesave The first argument is now the spreadsheet instance.
Updated onchangeheader The third and fourth arguments for this event have been swapped.
Updated onchangemeta The second argument is now always an object containing the changes. The third and fourth arguments have been removed.
Updated onchangepage This event now includes a fourth argument for the number of items per page.
Updated onchangestyle All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated oncopy Can cancel the copy action or override the copied value.
Updated oncreateeditor The fifth argument is always null, and a new fifth argument has been added for the column configuration.
Updated ondeletecolumn All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated ondeleterow All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated oninsertcolumn All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated oninsertrow All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onload The first argument is now the spreadsheet instance.
Updated onmerge All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onmovecolumn This event now includes a fourth argument indicating the number of columns moved.
Updated onmoverow This event now includes a fourth argument indicating the number of rows moved.
Updated onpaste All arguments for this event have been updated.
Updated onredo The second argument has been updated based on the method the event refers to.
Updated onsave The first argument is now the spreadsheet instance.
Updated onsort Now includes a fourth argument, an array representing the new order of rows.
Updated onundo The second argument has been updated based on the method the event refers to.

Worksheets Updates


Status Property Description
Updated highlighted Now stores records instead of just cell tags.
Updated csvHeaders The default value for this property is now false.
Updated nestedHeaders Now requires a two-dimensional array.
Updated ignoreEvents Now operates at the spreadsheet level.
Updated options Updated to no longer set default values for several properties.
Updated records Now a 2D array containing objects with cell coordinates and corresponding HTML elements.
Updated rows Now an array of objects with the HTML element for each row and index.
Updated persistance Renamed to persistence.
Updated rowResize The default value for this property is now true.
Updated tableHeight Now also accepts a value of type number.
Updated tableWidth Now also accepts a value of type number.
Updated toolbar Now supports being a function, boolean, or a configuration object for the jSuites toolbar. Array configurations were also updated, and it is now spreadsheet-level.
Removed contextMenu Now operates at the spreadsheet level and includes four new arguments.
Removed fullscreen Now operates at the spreadsheet level.
Removed colgroup Replaced by the new cols property, which functions similarly.
Removed el Replaced by the new element property.
Removed contextMenu Now operates at the spreadsheet level.
Removed copyCompatibility This property has been removed.
Removed detachForUpdates This property has been removed.
Removed imageOptions Use the column's configuration object instead.
Removed includeHeadersOnCopy This property has been removed.
Removed loadingSpin This property has been removed.
Removed method This property has been removed.
Removed requestVariables This property has been removed.
Removed stripHTML Use the parseHTML property instead.
Removed stripHTMLOnCopy This property has been removed.
Removed text Removed as JSS CE now uses jSuites.translate.
Removed updateTable This property has been removed.


Status Property Description
New comments Represents comments associated with the worksheet.
Updated allowComments The default value of this property is now true.
Updated getComments The undocumented second argument has been removed. Additionally, the first argument can no longer be an array.
Updated setComments The first argument of this method has been updated. Additionally, the undocumented third argument has been removed.


Status Property Description
New columns.render Intercepts and modifies visible data before inserting into a grid cell.
Updated columnDrag The default value for this property is now true.
Updated columns.type Now accepts an object to create custom editors, replacing the old columns.editor. Note: "autocomplete" and "readonly" have been removed; use autocomplete and readOnly properties instead.
Removed columns.editor This property has been removed. Its functionality for creating custom editors has been moved to the columns.type property.
Removed columns.stripHTML This property has been removed.
Removed colAlignments Use the align property in the columns array items instead.
Removed colHeaders Use the title property in the columns array items instead.
Removed colWidths Use the width property in the columns array items instead.
Updated hideColumn The first argument for this method can now also be an array.
Updated showColumn The first argument for this method can now also be an array.
Updated setWidth Previously undocumented, this method had a third argument, which has now been removed.


Status Method Description
New getDataFromRange Retrieves data from a specified range.
Updated getData This method now accepts two additional arguments.
Updated setData No longer emits the onload event, and its first argument can no longer be a JSON object.
Updated getValue The first argument must now be a string.
Updated setValue The object array in the first argument no longer uses the newValue property; use the value property instead.
Updated getColumnData This method now includes a second argument.
Updated setColumnData This method now includes a third argument.
Updated getRowData This method now includes a second argument.
Updated setRowData This method now includes a third argument.
Updated download This method now accepts a second argument.
Updated getLabel The first argument can no longer be an array with two numbers. Instead, the method now accepts two numeric arguments.
Removed parseCSV Use the helper methods instead.
Removed getJson Use the getData method instead.


Status Method Description
New getHighlighted Retrieves the coordinates of the highlighted selections.
New getSelected Retrieves information about selected cells in the worksheet.
New getSelection Retrieves the coordinates of the selected range in the worksheet.
New isSelected Checks if a cell is part of the current selection.
Updated updateSelectionFromCoords Previously undocumented, this method had a fifth argument, which has now been removed. It can now return false if the selection is cancelled.
Updated getSelectedColumns This method now accepts an argument.
Updated getSelectedRows The first argument for this method has been updated.
Updated resetSelection Previously undocumented, this method had an argument, which has now been removed.
Removed updateSelection Use the updateSelectionFromCoords method instead.


Calendar Editor Type

Status Property Description
Updated format The default value for this property is now "YYYY-MM-DD".
Removed value This property has been removed.
Deprecated months Still available but should be replaced with the setDictionary method.
Deprecated weekdays Still available but should be replaced with the setDictionary method.
Deprecated weekdays_short Still available but should be replaced with the setDictionary method.


The following methods and attributes have been removed from the public scope or the library:


  • col
  • conditionalSelectionUpdate
  • copyData
  • createCell
  • createCellHeader
  • createNestedHeader
  • createRow
  • createTable
  • createToolbar
  • getColumnOptions
  • getDropDownValue
  • getFreezeWidth
  • getJsonRow
  • getLabelFromCoords
  • hash
  • historyProcessColumn
  • historyProcessRow
  • init
  • isColMerged
  • isRowMerged
  • loadDown
  • loadPage
  • loadUp
  • loadValidation
  • onafterchanges
  • parseNumber
  • parseValue
  • prepareJson
  • prepareTable
  • refresh
  • refreshSelection
  • removeCopySelection
  • removeCopyingSelection
  • row
  • save
  • scrollControls
  • setCheckRadioValue
  • setFooter
  • setHistory
  • updateCell
  • updateCopySelection
  • updateCornerPosition
  • updateFormula
  • updateFormulaChain
  • updateFormulas
  • updateFreezePosition
  • updateMeta
  • updateNestedHeader
  • updateOrder
  • updateOrderArrow
  • updatePagination
  • updateResult
  • updateScroll
  • updateTable
  • updateTableReferences
  • wheelControls


  • setExtensions;
  • formula;
  • build;
  • keyDownControls;
  • mouseDownControls;
  • mouseUpControls;
  • mouseMoveControls;
  • mouseOverControls;
  • doubleClickControls;
  • copyControls;
  • cutControls;
  • pasteControls;
  • contextMenuControls;
  • touchStartControls;
  • touchEndControls;
  • fromSpreadsheet;
  • validLetter;
  • injectArray;
  • getIdFromColumnName;
  • getColumnNameFromId;
  • getElement;
  • doubleDigitFormat;
  • createFromTable;


Changes in HTML element properties:

Status Property Description
Removed worksheetElement.jexcel Use the worksheetElement.jspreadsheet property instead.